Friday May 17, 2002
6:30 pm Dinner/Reception at the home of Prof.
Ray Kea
3958 Chapman Place
Riverside, CA
Tel: 909 683-4824
Saturday, May 18, 2002
8:00 Continental Breakfast
UCR Extension Center Conference Room
8:45 Opening remarks: Ray Kea and Ken Pomeranz
9:00 Session 1: Identity Politics and Networks
Chair: Ray Kea (UCR History)
Shobana Shankar (UCLA History)
Missions and the Production
of World History
David Reeves (UCR History)
Peasant Resistance to Collectivization in Azerbaijan: Possible Avenues
for Future Research
David Ringrose (UCSD History)
Europe Joins the World:
European cities and Affinity Networks Overseas 16th- 18th Centuries
10:30 Break
11:00 Session 2: Empire and Imperial Knowledge
Chair: Tom Cogswell (UCR History)
Benjamin Weil (UCSC Environmental Studies)
Conservation and the Imperial
Indian Forest Service
Douglas McGetchin (UCSD History)
An Indo-Germanic Connection?
S. Ravi Rajan (UCSC Environmental Studies)
The Empire Strikes Back:
The War, the Usual Suspects, and State Patronage for Science and the Environment
12:30 Lunch at Boompa’s Italian Resturant
2:00 Session 3: Thinking Globally: Elites, Movements, and Nations
Chair: Kiril Tomoff (UCR History)
Thomas Ehrlich Reifer and Christopher Chase-Dunn (UCR Sociology)
19th Century Global Elites:
A Comparative World-Historical Approach
Debbie Dokhi Bibiyan (UCLA Political Science)
The Study of International History
Owen Jones (UCR History)
Dispersion and Flight in Verapaz, Kingdom of Guatemala: 1790-1825
Shoon Lio (UCR Sociology)
Transnational Social Movements in the 19th Century
3:30 Break
4:00 Session 4: Women and World History
Chair: Devra Weber (UCR History)
Kim Earhart (UCR History)
Travel Writing, Gender and Colonialism: Africa and European Women
Ian Chambers (UCR History)
“Now we act more like
Women than Head Men”: Gender and the Native American in the Colonial
Amy Aisen (UCSC History)
Tunisian Women and Independence
7:00 Dinner at Sevilla Spanish Restaurant and Tapas Bar
3252 Mission Inn Ave., Downtown Riverside
Sunday, May 19, 2002
8:00 Continental Breakfast
UCR Extension Center Conference
Room B
9:00 – 10:30 Session 1: Carceral Histories: Prisons, Plantations, and Reservations
Chair: Terry Burke (UCSC History)
Piya Chaterjee (UCR Women's Studies)
Plantation States: Indentureship and other Carceral Disciplines in Post/Colonial
Dylan Rodriguez (UCR Ethnic Studies)
Prison Space and Crisis States: The Political Logic of Mass-Based Imprisonment
Robert Perez (UCR History)
10:30 Break
11:00 Session 2: Roundtable - Teaching World History: Concepts
and Ideas
Chair: Sharon Salinger (UCR History)
Chris Monty (UCLA History)
Bringing World History Research
into the Classroom
The following presenters will make short comments in order to facilitate
an open discussion with the audience:
Karen Wilson (UCR History)
Arch Getty (UCLA History)
Randolph Head (UCR History)
12:30 Closing Remarks: Ken Pomeranz
1:00 End of meeting