Douglas T.
McGetchin, UCSD
�An Indo-Germanic
By the end of the
nineteenth century, Germany had more university
professors studying Sanskrit than all
other European countries
combined. This growth is
especially striking, as Germany had no
colonies in or near India, although
German Indologists maintained a
strong relationship with the British
who did. This paper analyzes the
development of the academic discipline
of Indology (the study of ancient
East Indian texts, literature, and
culture) and the parallel cultural
diffusion of knowledge about South Asia
within nineteenth-century
Germany. Indology was able to
flourish to the degree it did because it
benefited from Wilhelm von Humboldt's
patronage and his educational
reform that led to the rise of new
sciences in German universities.
German Indologists pursued scientific
activities and made successful
arguments about the cultural and
intellectual relevance ancient India
had to modern Germany. Hyperbolic
claims within this discourse have
dominated historical accounts of German
Indology (A.W. Schlegel, Das,
Leifer). Despite many
achievements, there were still many barriers
between modern Germans and Indians;
German scholars avidly studied
Sanskrit and the ancient cultures of
India, but had little interest in
modern Indians.
In this paper I
argue against over-estimating the significance of an
"Oriental Renaissance"
(Raymond Schwab) and an "Indo-Germanic
connection." Archival
records in Berlin give several indicators of a
lukewarm modern Indo-German
interaction, including the minimal interest
in modern Indian languages at Berlin's
Seminar f�r Orientalische
Sprachen and the mixed reception in
Germany of the work of Panini, the
fourth-century CE Indian Sanskrit
grammarian. Furthermore, during the
nineteenth century, the theory of the
original location for an
Indo-European (or Aryan) homeland
shifted from India to northern
Europe. The nationalist and
racist motivations for this change
discredited assertions of Indo-Germanic
unity. Finally, the
infiltration of ethnological arguments
into the discourse about Aryans
erected a color barrier between the
European and Indian branches of the
"Aryan family." This
racist divide directly played into the Nazi
contempt for Indians and Germany's
minimal support for the Indian
freedom movement during the Second
World War. With the correctives of
this analysis in mind, one can better
assess the limited cultural impact
that the study of ancient Indian had
within modern Germany.